Court of Honour of Advocates

The Court of Honour of Advocates is an institution of the Lithuanian Bar Association, which examines disciplinary cases started by the Bar Council and the Minister of Justice against advocates and advocates’ assistants. The Court of Honour of Advocates consists of 5 members, who have practised as advocates for at least 10 years. Three members of the Court of Honour of Advocates are elected by advocates in the General Meeting of Advocates and two members are appointed by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania. The next election of the Court of Honour of Advocates will be held in the General Meeting of Advocates in 2022.

Advocates’ professional activities are subject to strict requirements of care and diligence. Advocate’s conduct should not form a basis for distrusting him, doubting lawfulness, ethical character of his actions or his honesty. A disciplinary case is started against an advocate or advocate's assistant for a possibly conducted breach of professional activities or ethics.

In taking its decision, the Court of Honour of Advocates assesses the degree of advocate’s fault, the character of the breach, its circumstances and consequences.

The Court of Honour of Advocates examines disciplinary cases started against advocates and advocates’ assistants in a meeting held behind closed doors. Participation of the persons (against whom the disciplinary case is started) is mandatory, however absence of the persons from the meeting of the Court of Honour of Advocates is not an obstacle for examination of the disciplinary case, save for cases when the Court of Honour of Advocates decides that participation of such persons is necessary.

The Court of Honour of Advocates can suspend, dismiss a disciplinary case or impose a disciplinary penalty.


Members of the Court of Honour of Advocates
Member Email
Dalia Foigt-Norvaišiene, pirmininkė
Laura Altun
Andrius Iškauskas
Džiolana Tarvainytė
Ignas Vėgėlė